Helping food brands & establishments to tell tasty stories with bright, colourful and textured imagery for commercial, website, social content or editorial

SPO-Studio Photo

When everything started

It is always all about food!

I am Eva Roggenstein, a food photographer and stylist based near Lausanne, in the Swiss countryside. Born under the sun of Montpellier in France, I grew up in a family where cooking was the best way to bring us all together. This philosophy of life helped me build my appetite for the culinary world, a quest that has continued throughout my life.

After a long journey exploring parts of the world such as Australia, Bali, and New Zealand, my culinary blog, Un petit oiseau dans la cuisine, was born in 2015. At that time, I was looking to bring creativity into my life and was in search of a diet that was healthy, colorful, and always delicious.

Recipe creation became a true passion and has since evolved into a more artistic and creative work behind the camera. In 2019, after experimenting and seeking to develop new recipes accompanied by beautiful photos for my blog, food photography became my ultimate goal.

In early 2020, my first projects in food photography encouraged me to create my own photo studio, SPO-Studio Photo.  Specialised in food staging, I create culinary universes where light, color, and textures come together for brilliant images that tell delicious stories.

I have been working with different brands in the food industry, gastronomy entrepreneurs, artisans, and restaurateurs to provide them with images that reflect the perfect moments, ideas, and intentions they need to stand out in the market. Through photos, videos, and recipe development, my work is always centered around gluttony, realism, and authenticity.

Establishing strong boundaries with my clients by sharing what we have in common, such as a passion for good products, the joy of admiring and tasting a beautiful dish, and confidence in our own talents, is key to stimulating my creativity and providing them with images that match their identity.


SPO-Studio Photo

1143 Apples, Suisse

“People who love to eat are always the best people”